C'est quoi un burkini?

What is a burkini? Burkini = burqa of burqa and bikini kini or monokini

Let's take a close look at what the covering burkini represents for women
who wears it. This Muslim women's burkini is mysterious and, like all things
poorly known, it becomes worrying.

Wear a t-shirt burkini, a long burkini, a sexy burkini to the beach? Wear a modern burkini, a short burkini, a cropped burkini to the pool? A real obstacle course...

And yet...First of all, you should know that THE classic burkini does not exist. But
Burkinis in their great diversity, yes, exist.

burkini woman miss burkini burkini 2024

The concept of the burkini swimsuit for those who wear it.

In most cases, the woman who wears a burkini will choose a trendy burkini because she is not insensitive, whoever she is, to the sirens of fashion.

She may want a burkini that covers certainly but a stylish burkini, or she will fall for a sexy short burkini because so many women, so many styles..

For one, the leit-motif will be that she is modest, that the swimsuit
classic is not her “thing” even though the burkini swimsuit suits her

burkini woman miss burkini burkini 2024

And to add that anyone is free to come and go in a women's burkini
at the water's edge...that her freedom of conscience as a Muslim woman carries her
towards this choice of Islamic burkini or modern burkini.

For another woman, the leit motiv will be her personal freedom, without anything
religious in wearing the covering burkini or the short burkini. Because sometimes
cause of cellulite on the thighs or advancing age, what woman would not subscribe
not the long burkini?..

A burkini for the beach

Some have not understood this double wish, at the water's edge, for freedom of
movement and the need for coverage which materializes in the women's burqini.
We have sometimes seen mayors ban long burkinis, short burkinis,
covering burkinis, all types of burkinis on the beaches. The question was
asked whether we could still lounge on the sand or swim dressed in
her modern burkini.

Lots of emotion seeing the women's burkinis, yes...;
like in the sixties when women were bold in bikinis
on the beaches. But no disturbance to public order, no, said the Council of State in
response to one of these mayors. The burkini and the beach are compatible.

burkini woman miss burkini burkini 2024

A burkini for the pool

Going on a crusade to swim in a long burkini, or in a short burkini? Useless,
Really. Let's just remember a few rules for swimming in peace in a burkini
women. The municipal swimming pool is a public place. The hygiene rules are simple: men's swimsuits, women's monokinis or women's burkinis must
be worn tight, close to the body.

No loose clothing over the leggings and tunic, nor a skirt that rustles around the leggings. We should also favor the short-sleeved burkini with leggings above the knee.

burkini woman miss burkini burkini 2024

Let's not forget that the swimming cap will of course be waterproof, hijab or not...
Nothing's easier. Short burkinis and pool burkinis meet these
criteria. The burkini and the swimming pool become tame.

We have addressed delicate points which respond to certain fears that we
can have when you have chosen to wear a women's burkini.

Discover more articles on Miss Burkini blog, the reference blog for burkini enthusiasts ;)

Gold mines of clothing advice from our experts but also the latest trends in burkinis, complete presentations of our most trendy models...

In short, "the place to be" for all burkini fans ;)

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